
Virus Evolution - Animal to Human Transmition?

Charles Darwin proposed the notion of human race evolution; that we are decendants of the great apes. What once walks on all fours evolve to only two.

Over the thousands of years since Man walked the face of the Earth, we now know that the evolution theory does not only occur to the human race. As the human race progress from living in caves to living in high rise apartments, we struggle each day to adapt to our surroundings; to survive.

As such we evolve.

But evolution does not only occur in or to the human race. As we know it, many other things - living or not- evolve.

Just recently, I was told that my mother-in-law's cat was sick and was brought to the vet. The verdict was a viral infection- something common in cats. What was astounding was the next words that I hear; " It has FIV."

You are right. What the heck is FIV?
"FIV is the equivalent to human HIV - at least that's what the vet told me."

My response was(with a chuckle), " Well, if someone were to ask what my cat died of, then you can say it had promiscous, inhibited and unprotected sex."

I was trying to make light of the bleak situation. I didn't know if the vet was kidding with my with. This is the first time I have heard of a sexually transmitted disease in animals. But on a serious note, is it humanly (or animally) possible that even animals have our kinds of virus.

I am positive that certain viruses - like the flu- evolve. I always hear about a new strain of flu virus around and the government advising people especially the young and the elderly to get flu jabs.

Think about it what next in our cycle of evolution. How come we do not become mutants?

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